
I am a fullstack web developer with a background in data science and engineering, including research experience in astrophysics. Currently working in Django and React. Skilled in statistics, machine learning, programming, problem solving, and creative thinking. I love tackling challenging problems, not just in order to solve them, but also because of the new methods I may have to learn or develop, and the fascinating people I might meet through collaboration.


Backend DeveloperHem Design Studio, Stockholm, Sweden

Feb 2022present

As the only backend developer in a small tech team, I am working closely with the digital product manager and frontend developer on maintaining and expanding the online store for this small Swedish design furniture studio.

  • The main backend is a Django (Python) app connecting the third-party services, such as Shopify, Microsoft Navision, Airtable, Salesfoce, and Klaviyo.
  • Additionally Airtable serves as our Product Information Manager (PIM), for which I develop and maintain automations and extensions (in Javascript).
  • Furthermore, I maintain and develop the data pipeline consolidating sales and marketing data in our Data Warehouse in Google BigQuery using Stitch and dbt.

Data/Software /, Stockholm, Sweden

Mar 2020Jan 2022

As a developer at a startup, my work was not confined to a job title. My tasks for ValueChecker, a platform helping insurances finding replacements for claimed items fairly and transparently, included:

  • Full stack development for Angular front end with a Python API hosted in Google Cloud, accessing MySQL, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, and Redis.
  • Analysis of product data and improvements to the replacement suggestion logic for items that have been discontinued.
  • Maintenance and (occasional) development of the legacy code in Python, Java, and PHP for alaTest, a product review platform, that provides additional product data to ValueChecker.

ResearcherStockholms universitet, Sweden

Aug 2015Sep 2019

I studied astrophysical events, e.g. supernova explosions, using irregularly sampled time-series data, both in order to understand individual events and their statistical properties. My responsibilities included both obtaining the data through astronomical observations, and analyzing it using various statistical methods, most commonly model-based regression analyses. Furthermore I developed software to simulate and better plan the observations, coordinated an international scientific work group and co-supervised students at various levels, from Bachelor to PhD.

Visiting ResearcherCalifornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA

May 2017Sep 2017

During this research visit, I worked on the commissioning of the Zwicky Transient Facility, a project to discover exploding stars throughout the Northern Sky. I contributed to the development of a web application that allows researchers across the globe to access and visualize the telescope data. Additionally, I participated in the discovery of the first optical counterpart to a gravitational wave event, analyzing the telescope data using various theoretical models and regression analyses.

Research AssistantHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Jun 2014Jul 2015

This position was a continuation of my work in Bonn near the end of my PhD program, in which I performed further statistical tests on various astronomical data sets and wrote my thesis.

Research AssistantUniversität Bonn, Germany

Dec 2011May 2014

I was responsible for my own independent research in my PhD project, while also contributing to the observations and data analysis of an international collaboration. Additionally, I worked as a teaching assistant for physics and numerics courses for undergrad students.

Laboratory AssociateYale University, New Haven, USA

Jan 2012Mar 2012

During this visit, I helped the La Silla QUEST Supernova Search reduce the number of false positives in the detection process by applying machine learning techniques, mostly boosted decision tree classifiers, to data from the image reduction pipeline.


Dr. rer. nat. (PhD), PhysicsUniversität Bonn, Gemany

Dec 2011Oct 2015

My PhD project focused on the question whether astronomical observations are statistically the same regardless of the direction. For this study, I developed new metrics and hypothesis tests based on time series and spectroscopy of supernova events.

Diplom (MSc), PhysicsUniversität Bonn, Germany

Oct 2005Nov 2011

My studies consisted of courses in physics and mathematics with a specialization in astronomy and theoretical physics in the later years. During the final year of the program I worked on my thesis project on a self-calibrating method for statistical inference that can correct systematic uncertainties.





Software Development

Databases / Pipelines

Statistical / Data Analysis

Physics / Astronomy

Machine Learning

Public Speaking


Python, Javascript/Typescript, bash

SQL, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Redis

HTML/CSS, Django, Angular, React, Gatsby

Linux, git, GCP, Heroku, Airtable


German (Native)

English (Fluent)

Swedish (Intermediate)

Danish (Basic)

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